Saturday, October 31, 2009

You Never Know

On Monday, October 31, 2005 my roommate and I had plans on having a Halloween party at our apartment with girls, drugs, alcohol, and who knows what other substances. Little did I know that my life would forever be changed and that party would never happen.
While working at Budweiser an Apostolic lady had the nerve to tell me that I wasn't living right and that I needed to come to her church because the other churches in our area were wishy washy and didn't preach the whole council of God. Normal people would have been offended, but God had actually been dealing with me for quite some time about basically the same things. After a few times her persistence wore me down. She told me that she had been praying for me. She said that she had written my name on some paper and put it on her microwave and her refrigerator and every time she would go to one of those places she would see my name and pray for me. It really showed me the love of God. She made me promise her that I would come to church with her that following Sunday. I did. Well that following Saturday night was what we called an all nighter. Some how I managed to get up that Sunday morning and make it to that Apostolic church not knowing what to expect.
To the glory of God I went to the alter that morning. Nobody had to beg me to go, they didn't have to come get me, I went on my own. God really had been dealing with me for a long time. After a short season of repentance God filled me with the wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost at the age of 21. That Sunday morning the people in that church were so nice and they welcomed me with opened arms, if only they new who I was and the things I had done. They impressed me so much that I went back that Sunday night and wow what another good touch from God. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced.
That Sunday night they told me about their harvest festival they were having and urged me to come. The following Monday night I had to make one of the most important decisions I would ever have to make. Would I follow through with mine and my roommates plans and party? Which would probably cause me to continue down the lost and lonely road that I was on and continue in the gross sin that I was in, and God knows where I would be today. Or would I go to the harvest festival, follow the will of God and have my life forever changed? I was at one of the most important crossroads of my life.
I am pleased to write to you that 4 years ago on October 30, 2005 on a Sunday morning the man of God in my life preached to me "The Fear of Falling". It forever changed my life. I made that right decision and went to the church's harvest festival.
Exactly 4 years later we had another harvest festival at our church, tonight. It was a great success once again. I am looking forward to seeing what changes are being made in the lives of those who attended tonight. It impacted my life so much and I believe the lives of our guests tonight were impacted as well.
I want to personally thank everyone who was involved with outreach this morning and all those who donated, contributed, committed in the work and all that we did and put into this event. God bless you richly. A special thanks to Sis. Connie Granado who took a chance and witnessed to an arrogant young man who was lost.
You never know who your going to affect church! Lets get out there and be the church.
Brother Joshua Wagner

Big Truthway Day

Praise the Lord.
Today while the world is going nuts dressing up as witches and goblins, Truthway Church had a fun filled day. It started out with outreach this morning we met up at the church at 10:00 am for some prayer. At 11:00 we went out and visited some of our Sunday School families and folks that have showed interest in Truth in the past. I am please to say that today's harvest festival was vary much a success. We had around 100 show up, a good bit of which were outsiders who know not this wonderful Truth. I am excited to see what kind of affects it's going to have in the Kingdom. I believe revival is right at our fingertips. We had some commitments from people at our harvest festival that said they would be at our Holy Ghost filled services tomorrow. We are going to be thrilled to watch God transform their lives like he did mine.
We will be adding pictures from today's event asap so keep your eyes on us and watch us grow. In Jesus name!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Truthway Church Outreach

Kicking off with some new things. The Truthway Church Outreach team is excited about all the great things we've got going on with outreach we're going to be reaching out to our community in different ways so come back and visit soon and see the excitement.